More websites I’ve made for myself, clients, or employers thru the years…
Sites were made with WordPress, Hugo, or Shopify.

This site was made with Squarespace.
Pentecost Revisited
A website for a Christian author to sell his books. It started out as a single-book web-store for Pentecost Revisited, but has grown over time to include the author’s other books and a blog. The site has a modified theme, sliding text, a free book preview, and a shopping cart & check-out pages.
Wounded in the House of My Friends
A single book e-commerce website for a Christian book author. The Wounded in the House of My Friends website uses a theme that was custom-designed and uses a shopping cart that uses Paypal to accept payments.
Searcy Secured Storage
Searcy Secured Storage is a self-storage company in Searcy, AR. It contains a modified theme and a Google map. It’s a basic business card site, for which I received very little direction regarding its design & architecture – the client liked everything I came up with.
Even More
Pet Turtles and More
Websites developed as an employee
The following websites were developed while an employee of Times Square Church. They range from using WordPress as CMS, CMS conversion projects, and plain PHP/mySQL websites.